Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Todays Trades

Hello all,
The figures show the result of the latest set of trades. With CAL rising we decided to buy back the short leg. We also opened a new spread on RUT. As currently we ahead by $912. Not bad, hun?

fill prices on the trades we discussed on Tuesday


Here are the fill prices on the trades we discussed on Tuesday.

CAL- bought back the 35 call at 1.68
$RUT-sold the bull put for 1.55 credit
Sold 800 put for 6.30
Bought 790 put for 4.75

I don't know the email address for the others in the group. That's why I only sent this to you.

"see" you Friday,


p.s. I checked with TOS and found out that I set up our OCO order correctly. So, our exit order is good every day from 3:30-4pm eastern time.
Now I just have to conquer the analyze tab!!